D39592000 分子泵与真空计控制器TAG - Turbo and Gauge Controller
TAG Series Gauge and TMP Controller
Edwards Turbo and Active (TAG) controller is a small low cost pumping system controller, suitable for a wide range of vacuum applications, and compatible with all Edwards EXT and nEXT turbomolecular pumps. The large LED display shows the pump speed or vacuum pressure, and an easy to use push button interface enables ease of operation and control.
The TAG controller will also run a backing pump, air vent valve, an air cooler and an Edwards active gauge, making the TAG a versatile system controller. This compact 24 V controller is ideal for use on bench tops or suitable mobiles platforms where space is limited, yet functionality and reliability are essential.
Features and Benefits
- Turbopump start/stop. Display pump speed as % of full speed.
- Visual performance display; acceleration, deceleration or normal running.
- Gauge control and display functions - Control of a single Active gauge: APG, AIM, ASG or WRG gauge.
- Gauge control and display functions - Control of a single Active gauge: APG, AIM, ASG or WRG gauge.
- Backing pump control, plus more - TAG has the additional capability to control a backing pump ; 24V XDD1 may be connected directly and will share power withTAG/turbopump; nXDS and XDS35i pumps can be controlled by the TAG logic interface.